Welcome to blarchive.org

Blair Lauren 1987-2021


blarchive.org is a project to archive and preserve the musical output of Blair Lauren who passed away in November 2021.

Blair was an inspiring and prolific musician. They created a lot of beautiful punk music on their own, and with friends. This project will uploaded and indexed their music and the music of bands they were a part of on the Internet Archive in order to ensure their long-term preservation and availability.

This website, blarchive.org, lists all the different releases of Blair's music we have uploaded to the Internet Archive so far, as well as notes and updates on the project. You can browse and listen to Blair's music from this website using links below. Everything is actually hosted by the Internet Archive in their collection - Blair's music will be available from there after bandcamp, youtube and this website are long gone.

Blair's Music

News and updates


Added many bands that Blair played bass or drums in, added a section for Blair's covers. There are still a few bands Blair played in missing, and possibly some solo stuff. If you have anything missing, please get in touch!


blarchive.org is launched for Blair's birthday.


please contact Martin by e-mailing mementomarto (@) riseup (dot) net if you have suggestions, corrections, contributions, etc.